But it’s okay, the fiesta continues.

I just sent you another email, the first of the emails, a very powerful one. Pay special attention to the postscript; it contains something that almost everyone is interested in.

If you don’t receive that email… It should normally arrive within 5 minutes. If you haven’t received it by then, do this:

  1. Check your spam folder and also the “Social” and “Promotions” tabs. If you find me there, move me to the main inbox. 
  2. If you don’t find it there, add me to your email contact list → Name: Vicente Valencia, email: vvalencia@theantagonist.co or vvalencia@vicentevalencia.com (I send messages from both), and wait a few minutes. 
  3. If you’ve used a corporate email address, like yourname@yourcompany.com, the problem is on your end, and you may need to sign up with your personal email address. 

If none of this solves it, be patient. When many people are subscribing, the message can sometimes be delayed by up to a couple of hours.